A goldfish is one of the most popular aquarium fish. You might imagine a cartoonish face with large circular eyes. In that case, you are thinking of the Bubble Eye Goldfish!
This freshwater species is known for its unusual and striking appearance, which could be why many aquarists want to have them in their tank. Are you looking to buy a Bubble Eye Goldfish?
If so, this care guide could be exactly what you need. Keeping this delicate fish is not as simple as most people think, as they require more care than other goldfishes. In fact, it’s best if you have some fishkeeping experience prior to this.
Today, let’s look at some essential information that you might need to care for this goldfish. From understanding their behavior to set up the ideal tank, we’ve got you covered! Hopefully, this will prepare you as best as possible.
Category | Rating |
Scientific Name: | Carassius auratus auratus |
Common Names: | Bubble Eye goldfish, Water-Bubble Eye goldfish |
Care Level: | Intermediate |
Temperament: | Peaceful |
Size: | Up to 4 inches |
Color: | Various from Red, Brown, Orange, to Gold |
Life Expectancy | Up to 15 years |
Diet: | Omnivore |
Family: | Cyprinidae |
Tank Size: | Minimum 10 Gallons |
Tank Setup: | Slightly cold water temperature |
Table of Contents
One of the most distinctive characteristics of the Bubble Eye Goldfish is their eye bubbles. These sacs filled with fluid truly set this species apart from other freshwater species – always a good thing to add some pizzazz in your home aquarium.
Originating from China, many experts theorize that the Bubble Eye is a result of the thorough cross-breeding of the Prussian Carp. They live only in captivity and you will never find them in the wild.
Note that a lot of Goldfish species are seen to be good options for beginners, but this isn’t applicable to Bubble Eye Goldfish. They need quite particular care, but it’s not to say that it’s impossible to learn how to!
Typical Behavior
The good news about this fish is that they have a relatively peaceful temperament and so can get along with other peaceful species. Even better, they will even leave snails alone.
You may observe your Bubble Eye swimming around the tank all day, usually scouring the bottom of the tank. They will also swim through leaves and spend their time exploring their environment.
However, despite this knack for swimming around, they are still quite slow. You will not find them darting around in quick movements, but rather in a graceful manner. All thanks to their unique shape that bears no dorsal fin.
We mentioned that this Goldfish has sacs below their eyes. Most people think they contain air; they are actually little pockets full of fluids. This is why the bubbles vibrate when they swim.
One thing to note is how delicate these sacs are, which can pop and deflate due to the smallest triggers. While they can regrow and heal themselves, the new sacs will not be nearly as large or as healthy-looking as the original ones.
Each fish may have different-sized sacs, with some bearing really large bubbles that swimming becomes hard! Not only that, they also affect the fish’s vision. The unique bulb-like shapes are pointed upwards and often make it hard for them to see clearly.
This fish has a round body with pectoral and anal fins, but no dorsal fin. While their smooth backs are quite mesmerizing to look at, this strange structure is not ideal for their balance. That’s why a lot of Bubble Eyes have trouble swimming properly.
Fortunately, they do have a double tailfin which has four points. These are also long and helps with their balance. With that said, the average adult Goldfish will grow up to 5 inches long.
In terms of differentiating the male from the female, there are not many physical traits to watch out for, especially when they are younger. As they mature, the female fish tends to grow rounder while their male counterparts will bear a small tubercle on their head.
Another extraordinary feature of this species is their eclectic range of colors. You can find fishes of all shades, from red, brown, orange, to gold! Some of them even have mixed coloration with spots or patterns on their bodies.
Bubble Eye Goldfish Care Guide
The reason why the Bubble Eye can be a tricky species for beginner hobbyists is their delicate eye sacs. They need a safe environment to live in and specific water parameters to remain healthy.
However, not to worry, if you keep in mind these important requirements and meet them, your Goldfish should be fine!
Tank Setup
When setting up a home aquarium for your new fish, we recommend ensuring that there are no rough surfaces that might rupture their bubbles. Use only smooth gravels for the substrate because Bubble Eyes like to scavenge the bottom for food! You wouldn’t want their sacs to burst just by touching the substrate.
It’s alright to embellish the tank with plastic décor and other smooth rocks. You might want to run your fingers along these elements to make sure they are completely smooth.
If you want to add some natural life to the tank, try plants such as Java fern or Anacharis. These will provide additional oxygen supplements for your fish residents too. You could also use artificial plants, although we recommend silk ones over plastic alternatives.
When it comes to the filter system, you should choose the ones with gentle streams to avoid sucking up the Goldfish and damage their eye bubbles. The best solution would be to use an under-gravel filtration, which will remove dirt and waste through the substrate.
Water Parameters
The Bubble Eye Goldfish is just like its relatives: a cold-water species. They will not thrive in warm waters but would prefer anything around 65°F to 80°F. Keep the pH levels between 6.0 to 8.0 as they enjoy living in a more neutral environment.
It’s also crucial that you change the water in a regular manner, preferably by exchanging around ¼of the entire tank capacity. This will help maintain the ammonia levels to be lower.
Recommended Tank Size
What about the tank size? Well, this species needs a minimum of 10 gallons each to survive well. That means never keep these fish in a small bowl!
Despite not being the fastest or most active swimmers, the Bubble Eye requires a large space to roam freely and not feel stressed. Additionally, they produce substantial amounts of waste and a small tank gets polluted more easily.
Common Diseases
Just with caring for any type of fish, you should be aware of some of the most common diseases that might attack them. With the Bubble Eye Goldfish, these include Ich, Dropsy, Swim Bladder Disease, and Skin Flukes. If you are a seasoned aquarist, you may realize that these diseases are common in most freshwater species.
One of the easiest ways to prevent these is always to keep the tank water clean. When one of the Goldfish is infected, you should immediately isolate them in a quarantine tank. Here, you will be able to care for them more specifically without spreading the infection to the other fishes.
Another problem you might encounter with the Bubble Eye is a bacterial infection that could happen when their sacs pop. When the inner lining is exposed to the tank water, this could trigger an infection on the fish.
If all else, this is yet another reminder for you to keep your aquarium completely smooth and free of sharp objects that could injure your Goldfish!
Diet and Feeding
You might be delighted to learn that this species are well-known omnivores who will eat most things. We recommend feeding them high-quality flakes or sinking pellets for a quick and easy solution.
Moreover, it would be good to mix up their diet with some natural protein sources. This includes daphnia, bloodworms, and brine shrimps. Considering these fish enjoy scavenging for scraps to eat, you could give them some fruits or vegetables too.
Another detail to remember is that the Bubble Eye is not a powerful swimmer. As a result, make sure to give them enough time to swim around and finish the food before you sweep them away again.
Tank Mates
When you are looking for the best tank mates for your Bubble Eye Goldfish, keep in mind that their delicate sacs are easily damaged. This means you can’t house them with aggressive or overly playful species.
They are also slow swimmers and eaters, so it’s best to avoid keeping them with fishes who like to compete and finish all the foods in the tank. Otherwise, your Bubble Eye will not have anything left to feed on.
One of the easiest things you can do is keep them in the same species tank, which means other Bubble Eye Goldfishes. To mix up the species, consider peaceful ones like Black Moors, Celestial Goldfish, or Lionhead Goldfish.
It’s also possible to keep them with freshwater snails, as your fish will most likely leave them alone. Not a lot of freshwater species are suitable tank mates for snails, so this is a good opportunity to find these invertebrates some fish companions!
If you are planning to breed your fish, then the Bubble Eye Goldfish are quite cooperative. They’re also easy to breed in a large group, which means you don’t have to worry about telling their sex apart.
We recommend setting up a special tank where you can raise the fry, as these fish are known to eat their young. You can provide some soft plants where the eggs can attach to.
In terms of initiating these fishes to spawn, set the temperature to around 60F and increase it by 3 degrees each day until you reach around 70F. At this point, the male fish will start to approach the females, who will then release their eggs.
Once the males fertilize these eggs, they will stick to the plants that you have provided. This entire process may take place in a few hours and could produce up to thousands of eggs! Of course, this depends on how many Bubble Eye Goldfish you have in one tank.
The eggs will hatch in 4 to 7 days. Once the dark brown fry starts to emerge and begin swimming around, you might want to feed them powdered foods. These juveniles will develop their iconic sacs after around 6 months.
Should You Get Bubble Eye Goldfish?
So, that leads to the most important question of the day: should you get Bubble Eye Goldfish for your freshwater tank? This delicate species requires some attentive care to keep healthy and alive.
While we do not advise complete beginners to get them, any aquarist with a little experience and high commitment would do just fine. These unique fish will make your tank appear interesting as they have some unique features.
Overall, if you think you’re ready for the challenge and keep some of our tips in mind, there is no reason why you shouldn’t get the Bubble Eye!